Google Form Feed Into Google Sheets

Google's G Suite is one of the most powerful productivity tools with a range of impressive apps. Google Forms is one of the most useful (and perhaps most overlooked) apps on the platform, especially if you are going to connect Google Forms to Google Sheets.

When people think of Google Forms, they often think of surveys, pop quizzes, feedback forms, or even event registrations. Although this app is a fantastic tool for these purposes, Google Forms are also an extremely intelligent tool for gathering any kind of data.

In fact you can use Google Forms to collect a large amount of data which you can then connect to Google Sheets to manage and analyze. With this powerful combination, you can help level up everyday business processes, such as inventory management and invoicing!

Without further ado, let's explore how to connect Google Forms to Google Sheets and how you can make the most of these tools when combined.

How to connect Google Forms to Google Sheets automatically

  1. Why use Google Forms?
  2. When to use Google Froms?
  3. How to link Google Forms to Google Sheets
  4. How to save or delete a Google Form
  5. How to remove Google Form responses
  6. How to filter responses from Google Forms to Google Sheets
  7. How to merge responses from different forms into one tab in Google Sheets

Why use Google Forms?

There are many benefits of using Google Forms – here are just a few:

  • Accurate data: if people type information directly in a form themselves, they are more likely to get it right (e.g., dates, spellings, phone numbers).
  • No need to copy-paste data: you can connect your Google Forms to Google Sheets.
  • Data integrity: Google Forms are a safer way to collect data than allowing multiple people to enter information in a spreadsheet.
  • User-friendly interface: it's easy to use by anybody, including inexperienced users.
  • Customizable design: you can add logos, photos, and videos.
  • Sharing functions: it has all the same sharing functions as Google Sheets and Docs.

If you need help designing your Google Form, check out this step-by-step video tutorial. You can also check out this article on How to use Google Forms to collect data in a spreadsheet, with a simple step by step on how to create your own Google Form.

When to use Google Forms?

Google Forms are not just useful for simple surveys or pop-quizzes; they can streamline and optimize a number of tasks within your business operations.

Here are just a few ways you could use Google Forms both internally and externally across your everyday tasks and projects:

  • Collect supply requests from departments
  • Gather job applications
  • Receive vacation requests
  • Gather invoices
  • Send employee performance feedback
  • Collect orders
  • Check in and check out inventory items

What's more, you can then connect these form responses to a Google Sheets file where you can store, manage and analyze the results. This is a great way to store and manage all of your data in one place. It's also a fantastic opportunity to make the most of the various features and functionalities Google Sheets has to offer.

Now let's see how to easily link your Google Forms to Google Sheets for optimized data management.

  • If you save your responses in Google Sheets, they will remain there even if you delete the data from the form.
  • If you change the fields within the form, these will automatically update in the sheet too. However, once a form has been submitted, any data within it will not change within the spreadsheet.

How to send form responses to a spreadsheet

Google Forms has a setting that allows you to send your form responses to Google Sheets. This can be a new or existing spreadsheet.

  1. In your chosen form, click on the Responses tab.
  2. Click on the three dots button (⋮) located next to the Google Sheets icon. Click on Select responses destination from the drop.
  3. Here, you can select where your responses will be. You can either choose to Create a new spreadsheet or Select existing spreadsheet.
  4. To test whether Google Forms has successfully integrated with your spreadsheet, you can click the Google Sheets icon. This should immediately take you to your spreadsheet where the form responses are located.

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  1. In your chosen form, click the Responses tab.
  2. Click on the three dots button (⋮) located next to the Google Sheets icon.
  3. Select the option Unlink form.
  4. A warning message will appear notifying that if you continue with this action, form responses will no longer be sent to your Google Sheet. Click Unlink to continue.

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How to save or delete a Google Form

There's no need to worry about saving a Google Form once you have created it and linked it to your chosen Google Sheets file. Like all Google apps, everything is saved automatically in your Google Drive.

However, what if you don't want to just unlink a Google From from your spreadsheet, but delete it entirely? Here's how to do it:


  1. In the Google Forms homepage, locate the Google Form you want to delete.
  2. Click on the three dots button (⋮).
  3. Select Remove.

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Please note: If you have connected a Google Form to a Google Sheet, whenever you delete one, the other will remain intact.

How to remove Google Form responses

You may encounter a situation where you want to remove Google Forms reponses, rather than the Google Form itself.

Below are the different ways you can remove responses from your connected forms and spreadsheets.

Remove responses from your Google Sheet

You can manually remove Google Form reponses in your Google Sheet.

  1. Highlight the rows of data you wish to remove.
  2. Right-click and select Delete row.

If you want to stop any further responses being sent to your Google Sheet, follow the steps on How to unlink a Google Form from your Google Sheet.

Remove all responses from your Google Form

  1. In your chosen form, click the Responses tab.
  2. Click on the three dots button (⋮) located next to the Google Sheets icon.
  3. Select Delete all responses.

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Remove individual responses from your Google Form

  1. In your chosen form, click the Responses tab.
    Click on the Individual tab.
  2. Scroll through the individual responses using the < > buttons.
  3. When you find the individual response you'd like to delete, click the trash icon to delete.

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How to filter responses from Google Forms to Google Sheets

In order to make the most of the Google Forms and Google Sheets integration, it's important to know how to automatically sort, filter, and analyze your form responses in your spreadsheet.

Let's say you want to send form responses to different sheets based on the answer to a multiple-choice question. For this example, we want to filter the data into different spreadsheet tabs based on whatever color the respondent chooses: blue, red, green, or yellow.

You can use different formulas within Google Sheets to sort and filter your Google Forms responses successfully.

Use Query

The Query function uses SQL language to select specific data. To create a new tab for each color, simply follow this step-by-step:

  1. Inside your form, go to the Responses tab and click on the three dots (⋮). Click Select response destination > Create a new spreadsheet.
  2. Enter this new spreadsheet. Open a new tab. This will be the new location for one of the specific answers, in this case, Blue.
  3. In the A1 cell of this new sheet, enter the following formula:

=QUERY('Form Responses 1'!A:B,"Select* Where B='Blue'",1)

The following are the variables in this formula that you can adjust to your own needs:

  • 'Form Responses 1': change to the name of your general responses tab on spreadsheets
  • A:B: change to the cell range of data in your general responses tab
  • "Select" Where B =: change to the column of cells with your multiple-choice answers
  • 'Blue'": change to the name of the answer you want to filter

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You can repeat this process multiple times depending on what you wish to filter. Take a look at this post on How to use the Google Sheets QUERY function for more information.

Use Filter

Alternatively, you can use the filter formula in Google Sheets to separate your form responses.

Simply create a new tab and enter the following formula to the A1 cell:

=FILTER('Form Responses 1′!A1:B10,'Form Responses 1'!B1:B10="Blue")

Again, you can change the variables in this formula to suit your own needs. Try this post for an in-depth exploration on How to use the FILTER function in Google Sheets.

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How to merge responses from different forms into one tab in Google Sheets

When you send data from multiple Google Forms into Google Sheets, it saves responses to each form in a separate tab. But what if you want to combine the responses of two forms together in one tab?

Let's say you're a sales manager overseeing a team of 10 sales reps. You create 10 different forms with the same questions to make sure each representative inputs their data correctly. Once your reps submit their forms, the results will enter your spreadsheet as 10 different tabs. But you want the results in one tab, ready to analyze the data.

Sheetgo's no-code automation tool allows you to merge multiple tabs in one tab in just a few clicks of a button.

How to combine multiple Google Forms responses into a single tab

Step 1: Install the Sheetgo add-on for Google Sheets by clicking the button below.

Sheetgo add-on

Step 2: Open the spreadsheet where you want your merged responses to be. In this example, we want to create our merged tab in the same file as the individual response tabs. Click on Extensions > Sheetgo > Start.

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Step 3: The Sheetgo tool should appear on the right-hand side of your screen.

Under the Import data section, press Select data.

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Step 4: As you want to merge multiple tabs, select Multiple files from the Select source data section.

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Step 5: Click the Select files button and start adding the multiples files and tabs connected to your Google Forms.

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Step 6: Click the + icon. Under Select a data processor, click Merge.

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Step 7: Under the Destination section, create a new tab name for your merged data.

Click Finish and save.

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Step 8: Your Google Forms data should now be merged under a single tab in your Google Sheets file.

How to link Google Forms to Google Sheets

And there you have it! Google Forms are a very flexible, valuable tool to have when gathering large amounts of data both internally and externally. By connecting them to Google Sheets, you can optimize these tools further to help store and manage data for entire business processes, including inventory management or invoice generation.

For a complete guide on how to create Google Forms, fill out Google Forms, and automate forms, take a look at this article on How to use Google Forms to collect data in a spreadsheet?.

Alternatively, explore some related blog posts below!

Editor's note: This is a revised version of a previous post that has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.


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