Man Goes to Vegan Festival Eating Raw Beef

Man Gets 20-Foot Tapeworm from Eating Raw Meat

The tapeworm.
This image shows the tapeworm that the patient discharged from his torso. It measured 20 anxiety iv inches long. (Image credit: The New England Journal of Medicine ©2016)

A man in China who enjoyed eating raw beef became infected with a parasite — a twenty-foot-long tapeworm —that came from including this food in his diet, a new case report reveals.

The parasite had attached to the 38-year-onetime human being's minor intestine and had likely been inside him for at least two years earlier doctors diagnosed the infection every bit beef tapeworm of the species Taenia saginata, co-ordinate to the case report, published online today (Jan. 20) in The New England Periodical of Medicine.

Tapeworm infections are quite rare in Central Cathay, where this case took place, said Jian Li, of the department of infectious diseases at Renmin Hospital in Shiyan, China, who diagnosed the homo and co-authored the instance study.

Although the tapeworm infection rate is quite high in the northwest and southwest districts of Mainland china, this was the outset case of tapeworm seen in this part of Red china in 30 years, Li said.

Tapeworms are mutual globally, and Federal democratic republic of ethiopia, a country where people like to swallow raw meat, has one of the highest rates of infection from beef tapeworm, said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, who was non involved in the case.

Just beef tapeworms are rare in the U.s., Hotez said.

According to the case report, the human went to come across his doctor in the bound of 2015 because he was having stomach hurting, vomiting, had lost his ambition, felt weak and was losing weight, Li told Live Science. The symptoms had begun just 3 days earlier, but the human being had already lost about 5 to x kilograms (xi to 22 lbs.), he said. [The x Well-nigh Diabolical and Disgusting Parasites]

When the man came to the doctor's office, he brought a fragment of the parasite with him that he found in his stool, Li said. He likewise told his doctor that he liked to consume raw beef.

From these 2 pieces of information — the parasite fragment in his stool, which was later examined under a microscope, and his consumption of raw beef — the doctors deduced that the human was infected with a beef tapeworm, Li said.

Over the by two years, the man'south medical history also showed that he had been seen by several different doctors and given treatment for stomachaches, pain in his belly and anemia, which is a depression level of healthy red blood cells.

This paradigm shows one of the tapeworm'due south proglottids. A proglottid is a segment of a tapeworm that may comprise eggs, and exist shed in a person'south feces as part of the worm'south reproductive cycle. Eggs are visible inside this proglottid. (Epitome credit: The New England Periodical of Medicine ©2016)

Tapeworms can live for years in a person's intestines and cause no symptoms, or only mild ones, such as fullness or nausea after eating, Hotez told Alive Scientific discipline.

But it takes a long time for tapeworms to grow every bit long every bit this one did, Hotez explained, adding that other types of invertebrates, an brute grouping that includes worms, flies, snails and mosquitoes, tend to non live every bit long as tapeworms do.

No more rare beef

Cattle can get infected with T. saginata when they are out to pasture and feed on the eggs of the parasite, which were passed in human feces, particularly in areas of poor sanitation, according to the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention (CDC). Those tapeworm eggs can hatch within the moo-cow, penetrate the intestinal wall and then circulate to the fauna's muscles.

People can become infected with the parasite by eating raw or undercooked beef from a contaminated cow. The tapeworm eggs and larvae can migrate to the pocket-size intestine, attach to the abdominal wall and mature into an developed tapeworm, the CDC says.

An adult tapeworm tin can produce eggs and tapeworm segments that are shed from the torso in feces, according to the CDC.

Tapeworms from a related species, known every bit Taenia solium, can be acquired from eating raw or undercooked pork. But beef tapeworms tend to grow larger in size (upwardly to 33 anxiety) and produce more eggs than pork tapeworms, co-ordinate to the CDC.

If the larvae of a pork tapeworm have migrated out of the intestines and formed cysts in other tissues, such as the encephalon, they may cause neurological symptoms, including seizures. Pork tapeworms are a major cause of hundreds of thousands of cases of epilepsy worldwide, Hotez said. [Superlative 7 Germs in Nutrient That Make You Ill]

This egg from the tapeworm (seen here under a microscope) was found in the man'due south stool. (Paradigm credit: The New England Periodical of Medicine ©2016)

Both beef and pork tapeworm are considered "neglected tropical diseases," a category of infectious diseases that have never gotten much attending until recently, Hotez said.

In the case report, the homo's doctors explain that they treated their patient with an oral prescription medication that caused him to laissez passer the long tapeworm out of his body 2.5 hours afterwards.

Three months after expelling the tapeworm, the man felt improve. His appetite and weight returned to normal.

Merely he probable will never eat raw or rare beefiness over again, Li suspects. Existence infected with a parasite for at to the lowest degree 2 years was a very unforgettable feel for the homo, he explained.

"Information technology was physically, emotionally and financially exhausting for him," Li said.

Follow Live Scientific discipline @livescience , Facebook & Google+ . Originally published on Live Science .

Cari Nierenberg has been writing about wellness and wellness topics for online news outlets and print publications for more two decades. Her work has been published by Live Science, The Washington Mail, WebMD, Scientific American, among others. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition from Cornell University and a Master of Science degree in Diet and Communication from Boston Academy.


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