How to Regrind Ground Beef With Food Processor

Why Should You Grind Your Meat at Dwelling house?

Buying basis meat at the supermarket is kind of a crapshoot; unless your butcher grinds to order, there'south no way to know what you lot're actually getting. The cut, fat content, and texture of store-ground meat can vary widely.

But when you grind it yourself in a food processor, you control all the variables. That ways y'all tin achieve the perfect grind for beef, pork, poultry, and even fish and seafood. Your food processor can also assistance with thinly slicing meat, which can be a tricky task without a commercial meat slicer or a supersharp chef's knife and an extremely steady hand. This opens up possibilities for all kinds of dishes in the home kitchen that are otherwise amend left to the professionals.

Hither are a few tricks we've discovered for grinding meat in a food processor.

What Types of Meat Can You Grind in a Food Processor?

We use a food processor to grind all types of meat. The key is to make certain it'south boneless and skinless, and to cut it into chunks before processing. Here are some of our favorites types of meat to grind in a food processor:

  • Sirloin steak tips (for Juicy Pub-Style Burgers)
  • Boneless, skinless turkey thighs (for Juicy Grilled Turkey Burgers)
  • Big shrimp (for Shrimp Burgers)
  • Skinless cod fillets (for Lemon-Basil Cod Cakes)
  • Pork tenderloin (for Thai Pork Lettuce Wraps)
  • Boneless beef short ribs
  • Boneless beef chuck-eye roast
  • Boneless state-way pork ribs

Getting the Perfect Grind

Store-ground beef is often over-candy to a pulp, so it cooks up heavy and dense no matter how much care you lot take. Processing home-ground meat just enough to get the perfect grind ways information technology cooks upward more tender. The verbal size of the grind will depend on the type of meat and the type of dish. The visual cues beneath will help you know when you've gotten your grind just right.

How to Grind Meat in a Food Processor

1.Cut meat into chunks and partially freeze earlier processing

Cutting meat and poultry into smaller, ane/two-inch pieces makes it more than manageable to procedure, and partially freezing it ensures results that are chopped but not pulverized. To exercise this, suit the chunks of meat in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and transfer to the freezer. Freeze until very firm and starting to harden around the edges just still pliable, virtually thirty minutes.

2. Grind a portion of the main ingredient to a paste

In dishes similarturkey burgers andshrimp burgers (beneath), we grind a portion of the main ingredient to a paste and use it to bind the rest of the dish, which is ground to a chunkier texture. This means the ingredients' flavor shines because you don't need to include eggs or a bready binder.

  • For turkey burgers, we apply an eighth of the turkey the recipe calls for (iii ounces of the 1½ pounds) to create a paste that helps the burgers retain wet.
  • For shrimp burgers, nosotros use one-tertiary of the shrimp to bind a recipe that calls for 1½ pounds of shrimp.
Shrimp Burger

iii. Combine more than one cutting of meat for the perfect mix of flavor and fat

We used a food processor to make our ain Italian-manner sausages. To do so, nosotros used a combination of salt pork and boneless pork butt. Choosing our own ingredients allowed united states of america to engineer to perfect recipe with consistent fat, season, and greasiness.

4. Use a good amount of force per unit area to push the meat into the feed tube

A nutrient processor can give you make clean, consistenly thin slices with almost no try. But to ensure clean, even cuts, don't exist afraid to get a little heavy-handed! If you use as well lite a bear upon, the slicing disc will knock the item on its side or pull it into the space betwixt the slicer and the food processor hat.

5. Add baking soda to home-ground meat to proceed it tender and moist during the cooking process

Nosotros establish that soaking meat in a combination of blistering soda and water for xv minutes keeps it tender during cooking. That'south because the baking soda raises the pH of the meat, which makes it more difficult for the proteins to bond. (And this doesn't only pertain to meat ground in a nutrient processor. Read about why yous should soak meat in a solution of baking soda and water.)

vi. You can utilize less panade in dwelling house-ground meat

A panade is a bread and milk mixture that is used to add together tenderness to ground meat dishes. When you grind your own meat at habitation because it will already be more tender than store-basis options. This is helpful because a panade, while a key component in maintaining tenderness and bounden dishes similar crab cakes and burgers, can also slow the flavors of a dish.


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